CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.ty CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.CEO Branding, CEO Brand, CEO Image, CEO Reputation, CEO Personality, CEO Appearance, Celebrity CEO, CEO duality, CEO hubris, CEO tenure.
Suzanne Bates, CEO Bates Communication and author of best seller books 'Speak Like a CEO', 'Motiave like a CEO'; and 'Discover Your CEO Brand'.
Leslie Gaines-Ross, Chief Reputation Strategist at Weber Shandwick and author of the best selling books 'CEO Capital: A Guide to Building CEO Reputation and Company Success' and 'Corporate Reputation: 12 Steps to Safeguarding and Recovering
The chapter authors are experts from many countries, including Austria, Canada, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Spain, the UK and the US. They come from a number of different fields, including accounting, communication, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, leadership, management, marketing, psychology, and strategy, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of CEO branding.
Suzanne Bates, CEO Bates Communication and author of best seller books: 'Speak Like a CEO', 'Motiave like a CEO'; and 'Discover Your CEO Brand'.
Virginia Blanco-Mazagatos, Associate Professor, Universidad de Burgos, Spain
Paul Brockman, Professor, Joseph R. and Amy M. Perella Chair of Finance, Lehigh University, USA
Raoul Davis, CEO and Partner at Ascendant Strategy a division of Ascendant Group, USA
Juan B. Delgado-Garcia, Associate Professor, Universidad de Burgos, Spain
JW Dicks, best-selling author, entrepreneur and business strategist. Editor and publisher of Celebrity Expert® Insider Newsletter, USA
Marc Fetscherin, Associate Professor of International Business and Marketing, Rollins College, USA
Charles J. Fombrun, chairman and founder of Reputation Institute, USA
Leslie Gaines-Ross, Chief Reputation Strategist at Weber Shandwick and author of the best selling book 'CEO Capital: A Guide to Building CEO Reputation and Company Success', USA
Lars G Hassel, Dean of the School of Business and Economics, Umeå University, Sweden
Andreas Hinterhuber, Partner of Hinterhuber & Partners, Austria
Juha-Pekka Kallunki, Professor of Financial Accounting, University of Oulu, Finland
Ruthann (Weaver) Lariscy, Professor, Department of Advertising & Public Relations, University of Georgia, USA
Hye-Seung (Grace) Lee, Assistant Professor in the Accounting Department, Lehigh University, USA
Stephane M. Liozu, Adjunct Professorm Case Western Reserve University. Founder of Value Innoruption Advisors, USA
Antonia Mohedano-Suanes, Associate Professor, University of Valencia, Spain
Nick Nanton, 3-time Emmy Award Winning Director/Producer/Filmmaker. CEO of The Dicks + Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency, USA
Henrik Nilsson, Professor of Financial Accounting, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Fernando Prado, Managing Partner for Spain and Latin America at Reputation Institute, Spain
Leonard J. Ponzi, Managing Partner of Research and Analytics, Reputation Institute, USA
Esther de Quevedo Puente, Associate Professor, Universidad de Burgos, Spain
Daniel E. Re, Postdoctoral fellow, Social Perception and Cognition Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Canada
Luc Renneboog, Professor of Corporate Finance, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Björn Rosenberger, Management consultant, entrepreneur and researcher. Research associate at the Chair of Management, Leadership and Human Resources at the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Nicholas O. Rule, Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair in Social Perception and Cognition, department of psychology, Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, Canada
Vicente Safón, Associate Professor of Management and Strategy, University of Valencia, Spain
Jesus M Salas, Assistant Professor of Finance, Lehigh University, USA
YJ Sohn, Assistant Professor, School of Art and Communication, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
João Paulo Torre Vieito, Professor of Finance, Dean of School of Business Studies, Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Portugal
J. Anastasio Urra-Urbieta, Associate Professor, Department of Management, University of Valencia, Spain
Yang Zhao, Lecturer, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, UK